Get Involved

Learn how you can help Hope For Life Ministries make a difference in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh.


As believers, one of the most powerful things we can do is pray for one another. Hope For Life needs prayer partners who will pray for our mission projects in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. Sign-up today become a prayer partner and receive regular updates about new and ongoing projects and our prayer needs.


By giving, we communicate our awareness of a need and our compassion. When we give, we open doors to make a difference in the life of someone in need.

When you give to Hope For Life Ministries, your donation enables us to offer financial aid to the less privileged, assist widows, support orphanages, fund mission work, aid Bible school students, pastors, and their families, as well as help in preventing human trafficking.

Partner with us today to make a difference in the life of someone in need.

Join us on a mission trip

We plan regular mission trips throughout the year to India, Nepal, and Bangladesh.  We invite you to join us on a mission trip to see first hand how God is using Hope For Life Ministries to share His Love in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

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